Shipping Policy

When can I expect to receive my order?

Customized Drapes Lead Time

Handling time: 3-5 days. Standard shipping : 7-10 days. 

The shipping time provided on our website is a guide only and represents the time frame that 95% of orders are filled within. If you require drapes by a certain date, please contact us at to confirm the time frame and order it in advance.

Once order(s) are shipped, you'll receive a tracking number to follow up with carrier.

Which countries do you ship to?


How much is the shipping fee?

1. General shipping for products:

Standard shipping: 

  • $23 for order value not above $200.
  • $17.99 for order value above $200 but under $300.
  • Free shipping for order value $300 and above.

Express shipping:

  • $99.99

2. Shipping for fabric booklets:

  • Shipping costs are calculated based on weight, the more you buy, the higher the price.(The basic shipping fee is within 0.221lbs.)
  • North America (United States, Canada) basic: $13.99.
  • Other Countries: $15.99 - $29.99.

Can I indicate certain carrier?

No, we select and decide carrier according to destination country, order package weight etc. We work with FedEx, DHL and UPS which are high reputation carrier to ensure smooth delivery. We own direct carrier account to make sure shipping service is expected. We provide door to door service.

Where can’t we ship to?

We only accept to ship to street, like office, home address. We can't ship order to military address. We can't ship order to PO Box address.

Where will my order be shipped from?

Order ship from vertical factory in China directly by carrier UPS, DHL or FedEx.

How do I track my order?

Once order was picked up by carrier, our system will send you email to advise carrier and tracking number. You may visit carrier offcial website to monitor your package. You are able to work with carrier to make appointment of delivery time.

Can I change my shipping address after pick-up?

No, changing the address is not supported. Please be sure to verify the shipping address before placing the order.

Do I need to pay some duties or VAT ?

Yes, if there produce the duty and VAT. Any duties and VAT are on your side. The duties fees and VAT depend on the tax laws of your country custom.

Please contact your local delivery service FIRST if you don't receive the package:

FedEx1.800.GoFedEx or 1.800.463.3339 (US & Canada)
UPS1 (800) 742-5877 (US & Canada)
DHL18002255345 (US); 18553457447 (Canada)